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Mung Bean Noodle Soup

Mung Bean Noodle Soup

I am a big soup fan.  A few nights ago when we were getting ready to go on our ski trip to Mammoth, I needed to make dinner with the food we had on hand…I wanted to try and minimize what we had to leave in the fridge.  Noodle soup is always a good option.  I keep mung bean noodles (also known as Saifun Noodles) in the pantry for nights like those. Usually each package of dry noodles comes with three bundles of noodles inside, so they pack a big punch for a small cost.

I didn’t have any broth in the pantry, but I did have some outstanding miso in the fridge from South River Miso Company, so that became the basis of my soup broth.  South River Miso is a great small company that really focuses on quality and their products are really special.  To find out more about their company and order their products click here.

South River Miso


Mung Bean Noodles (1 bundle per adult / half for each kid)

Broth of your choice

Vegetables of your choosing (i.e. onion, green onion, leek, spinach, kale, mushrooms, bean sprouts, basil, cilantro, jalapeno, sea veggies)

Accompaniments (Guilin Chili Sauce, sesame oil, tamari, Sriracha, white pepper)


I begin by soaking the mung bean bundles in hot water.

Dry Mung Bean Noodles

Pour Hot Water Over Noodles

I tend to make a very mild broth with the intent that people will personalize their soup at the table.  Our family’s taste tends to cover the whole spectrum from very mild to crazy spicy! To make the broth this time I boiled water and added leeks to it for flavor.

Cut the Leeks Lengthwise and Clean

Water With Leeks

Once the leeks have flavored the broth, ladle some hot water into a bowl and mix the miso paste into the water in the bowl.


Hot Water

Add the Miso Paste

Pour the miso mixture back into the hot water and leeks.


Add the Miso Mixture Back In

Flavor with tamari if needed.


Add Tamari If Needed

Now prepare the bowls for the soup.


Put Raw Sliced Onions and Spinach Into Bowls

Add the soaked noodles.


Soaked Noodles

Bowls With Noodles

Add a TINY Splash of Sesame OIl For Taste

Pour the boiling hot prepared broth over the noodles and cover for a few minutes.  The hot broth will cook the onion and spinach.


Covered Soup Bowls...Cooking the Veggies

Now serve with the accompaniments.


Soup Toppings

Sauce and Spice Close-up

Flavor your soup and enjoy.  I was in a kale mood, so I completely covered my soup with kale before I put the broth in and covered it with a lid.


My Soup Bowl

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