
Where would we all be without bees?  We certainly wouldn’t be eating the fruits and veggies that we adore.

My family and I recently watched the documentary, Vanishing of the Bees.  I highly recommend this film for the light it sheds on this issue.  In addition to learning about Colony Collapse Disorder, I learned a lot about bees in general (they are fascinating beings).

This year when I plant my garden I want to focus some attention on adding some plants that bees really love…my way of saying thank you to them for all that they do.  I found  a great article from the Honeybee Conservancy about planting a bee garden (click HERE for the article).


Filed under Animal Welfare, Education, Farming, Vegan, Vegetarian, Video

6 responses to “VANISHING OF THE BEES

  1. Carrie Pekarek

    Hi Gretchen,
    Funny you should bring this topic up today. Moe and I just toured Buttonwood Farms yesterday (they also make Buttonwood Wines) where we walked with the man who cares for their peach orchard and this came up. He says that he used to bring in the artificial bee colonies but they usually succumbed to desease, whereas the ones that escaped and established their own homes have survived and thrived and that’s all that’s needed anymore. Seems that they want to do their own thing, not to be nomadic and disturbed.

    • How interesting. It makes sense to just let the bees do their own thing vs. taking them from place to place. Sounds like a possible case of humans getting in the way of nature, though I did recently read some more research stating that they have discovered the specific pesticide that is killing the bees…perhaps it is a combo of the two?!?!?!

  2. Lex S.

    Thanks so much for sharing this! My son and I are going to look into making our garden far more bee friendly as well–appreciate the information and inspiration.

  3. Tom Sinclair

    I ‘ m presently covering a old landfill and would like to do something to help nature and was wanting to plant it into a bee garden something that has more fall flowers then summer. And was looking for any information that one would have to help me out with were I could purchase seeds or what is the best practice,

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